Safe Deposit Boxes

Safe Deposit Boxes

Let us safeguard your prized possessions and important documents

Protection from theft, fire, flooding and more

Find peace of mind with climate-controlled security.

Five convenient locations

Boxes are available in our Davison, Ferndale, Macomb, Sterling Heights and Westland branches.

Affordable cost

Low cost annual rental fee. 

Variety of sizes

Eight types of Safe Deposit Boxes offer storage flexibility.

Easily accessible

Safe Deposit Boxes are always accessible during business hours.

Safe Deposit Boxes are often used to safeguard important documents, such as property deeds, passports and insurance documents. But they're also an excellent place for valuable jewelry, family heirlooms and other irreplaceable items. Whatever you choose to store, you'll feel better that it's secured under lock and key and will be easy to find whenever you need it.

  • Primary Credit Union ONE account holders must be the primary box renter, but joint members can be added
  • Safe Deposit Box sizes are subject to branch availability

A size for every need

All dimensions are in inches. All dollar figures are annual rental fees.*

  • 2x5x21 box: $22
  • 3x5x21 box: $25
  • 4x5x21 box: $30
  • 5x5x21 box: $35
  • 3x10x21 box: $40
  • 4x10x21 box: $45
  • 5x10x21 box: $50
  • 10x10x21 box: $70

Credit Union ONE is a full-service financial institution with locations in Southeast Michigan, Davison, MI, Traverse City, MI, and Grand Rapids, MI.

Talk to us about your Safe Deposit Box needs.


Please note, if a key is lost or stolen, Credit Union ONE shall be notified and the remaining key returned to the Credit Union. The renter, deputies, or fiduciaries must pay a replaced fee of $125.00.